El Coordinador Especial de la ONU para Medio Oriente denuncia a Hamas

Publicado en Apuntes Urbanos

¿¿Por qué no salen publicadas estas noticias?? Hamas cierra Organizaciones No Gubernamentales en la Franja de Gaza y confisca sus equipos y materiales.

Statement by UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Robert Serry
For immediate release
03 June 2010, Jerusalem

I am deeply concerned at reports from Gaza that Hamas has broken into a
number of NGO offices in Gaza City and Rafah in recent days and closed
them down, confiscating their materials and equipment in the process. This
targeting of NGOs, including UN partner organizations, is unacceptable,
violating accepted norms of a free society and harming the Palestinian
people. The de facto authorities must cease such repressive steps and allow
the re-opening of these civil society institutions without delay.

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