3000 desaparecidos en Siria en sólo unos meses de protestas pro-democracia

Publicado en Apuntes Urbanos

A ver si algún grupo defensor de los DDHH dice algo de esto... o será que como no hay ningún judío ni yanqui a quien culpar, estos desaparecidos no le importan a nadie.

Utilizan la misma táctica del Proceso en la Argentina: no los matan, porque desapareciéndolos aterrorizan e inmovilizan a los familiares con que pueden hacerles daño si protestan:
One mother's three sons, aged 27, 22 and 14 were all taken, says Tarif recounting one case. The oldest was released after 10 days, but when she asked about her two other sons, the security forces claimed they had not taken them.
"They are doing this because the oldest brother, who had been active in protests, is now too scared to go to protests. He thinks that if his younger brothers are still alive, (the security services) will kill them.

A continuación, la triste nota:

Thousands forcibly 'disappeared' by Syrian regime, says action group

By Mairi Mackay and Catriona Davies, CNN
July 29, 2011
Protesters outside the Syrian embassy in Cairo call for the release of the country's "disappeared."
Protesters outside the Syrian embassy in Cairo call for the release of the country's "disappeared."

(CNN) -- A 14-year-old male student last seen two months ago being beaten and dragged into a white van by Syrian security forces; a 13-year-old boy arrested with his friends and bleeding badly from his ears, nose and mouth when they last saw him; a mother who says her two youngest sons were arrested but the security forces claim no knowledge.
These are just a few examples of Syria's "disappeared," provided by global campaign group Avaaz, which claims that nearly 3,000 Syrians have been arrested by the government's security forces since the start of the uprising on March 15, whose whereabouts remain unknown.
"We have 2,918 names and each of them has a different story," said Wissam Tarif, a human rights activist working for Avaaz, who coordinated the organization's research in Syria.
The group launched a campaign Thursday to draw international attention to the enforced disappearances. It includes a wall of profiles on Avaaz.org of missing people.
"Some were kidnapped during protests; some from their schools or universities; some wrote something; some were detained by security forces in raids on their homes.
"They were all involved in the pro-democracy movement in some way: Some went to protests; some wrote something they shouldn't on their Facebook page; some said something to a colleague and were reported," said Tarif.

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7 comentarios:

  1. Completamente TERRIBLE!!!!
    Ahora yo pregunto, no hay yanki que acusar??? Yo no estaría tan seguro de esa afirmación.
    Más allá de nacionalidades y religiones, TERRIBLE!!!!!

  2. Dicen que el dentista de Assad que lo dejó tan dolido de una muela el martes pasado si bien no es yanqui, salió con una mina que cursó dos materias en la American University de El Cairo. Los compañeros entendemos que de ahí se deduce que a Al Assad no le quedó otra que asesinar y desaparecer a los manifestantes sirios pro-democracia. ¡Malditos yanquis imperialistas!

  3. Estoy con tu pregunta. parece que estos desaparecidos no dan rédito político. bye

  4. faked news, faked reality, fuck zionists

  5. Clarin y La Nacion, acusados de antisemitas por cierto sector judeo-porteño, han publicado y bastante, sobre la masacre que esta ocurriendo en Siria.


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